How to import the products

A quick guide to importing products into your Shopify shop with BrandsSync

The Brandsdistribution product catalogue linked to your dropshipping account is available in the BrandsSync APP by clicking on the item Manage Products in the left menu.

To view all the products in the catalogue, simply click on ‘All Products’

Product management is possible through the Manage Products menu

Manage Products:

  • All Products: list of all the products available in the catalogue for your dropshipper subscription
  • My Products: list of all products already imported in your Shopify shop
  • My list: list of products in the import queue
  • Search products: search engine for products to be imported into the shop. The search can be performed for all imported tags.

All products

The products will be visible in a table that summarizes all the main product information.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Product name
  • Brand
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Available quantities
  • Prices: cost price, recommended price, list price
  • Proposed price
  • Cover photo of the product sheet
  • Status (imported or not imported)
  • Direct link to the site where you can view the product sheet


To import individual products, simply click on the ‘+’ icon in the Status box corresponding to the product to be included in your Shopify shop.

If you want to massively select a list of products, you can filter the products and then import them in a single click.

The applicable filters are on the right of the product table. The available filters are:

  • Brand
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Color
  • Gender
  • Season

Once the list of products has been filtered, you must click on the “Import all filtered” link at the bottom right. All products will then be included in the import list and will be uploaded to your Shopify shop.

My products

In this section of the APP you can find the list of products that have already been imported into the shop.

In a simple and fast way it is possible to manage the shop windows and check the width of the catalogue.


My list

In this section of the APP you can find the list of products that are being imported into the shop.

In a simple and fast way it is possible to check the duration of the update and import process of new products in the shop.



In this section of the APP you can easily search for a product. This way you can quickly manage your catalogue by checking which products have been imported, with what availability and which ones are available to be imported into your shop.

You can always have an updated showcase with fashionable products and manage your shop to satisfy all the requests of your customers.


Now you can start configuring your shop on Shopify! Would you like to know more?


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